Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Louisiana

Address: 70769

Approximate value $: 4-6 million

The house is newly remodeled, huge place with shops, stables, sheds, a mother in law apt and an additional 2 bedroom house on 18 acres with pond and hills that border interstate and two major roads in a fantastic school district. Near Baton Rouge about an hour from Nola.
Property is fully permitted to be divided into 56 lots.

Willing to consider any trade combo that is worth several million.
Would like a plane, a high end home, r v bus.. Etc

In exchange for House in Any state

ID: 11947, Submitted: 01/22/2011 17:28:11, Updated: 01/22/2011 17:28:11, Visitors: 10008


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