Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Louisiana

Address: Baton Rouge 70806

Approximate value $: 150,000

This is a 4 bedroom 2 bath house with a mother in law suite attached earning $1000/month. Located in MidCity Baton Rouge in a Crime Prevention District across from Baton Rouge Community College. Want to trade for a home in Washington State that has an ADU/mother in law attached or unattached.

In exchange for House in Washington, 98362

Approximate value $ : $130,000

Want a 4 BR 3 bath home with some acreage and a mother in law suite on the property.

ID: 23273, Submitted: 05/14/2013 19:27:58, Updated: 05/14/2013 19:27:58, Visitors: 8916


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