Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Maine

Address: Briarwood Drive, off Penny Rd. New Gloucester 04260

Approximate value $: 195,000.

Newer, well built, 2006 3 bedroom 1 bath ranch style home on a nicely landscaped 1 acre lot. Beautiful, desirable, neighborhood/area convenient to Portland/Lewiston, Maine.

In exchange for Property in Maine, 04084

Approximate value $ : 195,000.

Would consider exchange for property in desired area of Standish,
Gorham, Maine, or possibly other areas of Greater Portland, Maine. Willing to listen, lets talk.

ID: 11969, Submitted: 01/23/2011 08:39:45, Updated: 01/23/2011 08:46:01, Visitors: 7203


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