Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Maine

Address: 98 Maxwell Road North Jay 04262

Approximate value $: 52,000.

24X40 House 960ft² $52,000.00
12X16 storage building
Located in North Jay Maine 04262
3 or 4 bedroom house
No basement
city water
private sewer
Stays cool in summer and heats easy in winter
2+/- acres
Swap for land in Kennebec County or possible owner financing with $10,000.00 down.

In exchange for Land in Maine, 52170 area

Approximate value $ : 52,000.

Just a little over 1/2 Mile to Wilson Pond (walking distance)

ID: 18370, Submitted: 10/27/2011 19:11:05, Updated: 10/30/2011 13:22:19, Visitors: 5965


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