Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Maine

Address: Kingsbury Rd. Wellington 04942

Approximate value $: 160000

Very private, quiet, 960 sqft home on 10 acres, log cabin guest building, workshop, on stream, no close neighbors, dirt road 1 mile to lake, ATV trail. Low taxes. Write for more info. and pictures.

In exchange for House in Maine, 04942

Approximate value $ : 160000

Prefer central Maine, but consider anywhere in Maine. Prefer at least 1500 sqft, cellar, garage, at least 2 acres, no close neighbors, flat land with room for tractor trailer, reasonable taxes.

ID: 27540, Submitted: 03/27/2022 04:04:49, Updated: 03/27/2022 04:09:57, Visitors: 4221


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