Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Maine

Address: Patten 04765

Approximate value $: 95,000

6 BR Gothic Victorian ,B&B with barn and garage. Quiet country life on 1 acre..."Fixer-Upper". Two big veggie gardens, private raspberry patch, bordering trout stream, 3 kinds of apples, 2 cherry trees, landscaped with lots of perennials with blue spruce and white pine bordering the the way, no hurricanes or flooding at this house....just great snowmobiling, hunting and fishing....great retirement place. Half hour to hour twenty minutes to Bangor International Airport. Permanent swap for 2 BR cottage, 2 BR log cabin or land. House is reduced to less than half of original asking price.

In exchange for House in Alaska, Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan

Approximate value $ : same

2 BR Cottage or 2 BR log cabin or land

ID: 96, Submitted: 04/01/2008 13:31:22, Updated: 06/10/2008 16:52:28, Visitors: 4112


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