Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Maryland

Address: 2169 Worcester Hwy. Pocomoke 21851

Approximate value $: $170,000

I've owned this home for 11 years and am ready to move South where there is more golf/tennis. Contact me if you have something in the $170K range if less or more is ok, maybe we can work something out. As I have a rental property nearby this one worth $90,000 I can add to the trade.
see for more info:

This home is in great condition - It's a beautiful home on 1 acre.

In exchange for House in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina

Approximate value $ : 170000

If you have monthly lot rent with your trade property I am not interested.
Else, let me know what you have to trade most anywhere in
Florida, coast of South Carolina, coast of Georgia
and possibly coast of North Carolina.
I might be interested in land and small house too.
As I also have a $90K valued rental property nearby this one
to offer in the pot if your property is worth a lot more than mine.
I prefer close to the coast, like mine is close to water.

ID: 24539, Submitted: 10/31/2014 00:53:44, Updated: 10/31/2014 01:30:21, Visitors: 7741


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