Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Maryland

Address: springshire way, greenbelt Greenbelt 20770

Approximate value $: 489000

Our house is Gorgeous two story 2900 Sq.ft Colonial home with Brick Front located in Greenbelt, MD. 2-car garage and with woods in the backyard. 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bath. Hardwood foyer, Ceramic tile in Gourmet Kitchen with island and all appliances in outstanding condition. Fireplace in living area. In-Law Basement: fully finished w/walkout level, separate kitchen, entrance, and washer-dryer. Close proximity of all commercial, cultural, community and public transportation facilities, including Metro station(s). Located just 10 miles from heart of Washington DC and with easy access to all points within Washington DC-Baltimore-Northern Virginia area. Close to UMD College Park, NASA Goddard Center and walking distance to shopping center.

Need to relocate in the next 2-3 months.

In exchange for House in California, 92501-92509, 92513-92519, 92521-92522, 92589-92593

Approximate value $ : 500000+

Looking for single family home in any of the following zip code location: 92501-92509, 92513-92519, 92521-92522, 92589-92593. House to be Minimum of 3+ bedroom, 2+ full bath, 2 car garage & minimum of 2000 + Sq.ft.

ID: 951, Submitted: 07/16/2008 22:56:28, Updated: 07/17/2008 21:33:53, Visitors: 6269


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