Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Massachusetts

Address: 24 Bramble Bush Drive Cotuit 02635

Approximate value $: 335,000

This property is located in the(Cape Cod area)my home is located on a .50+ acreage lot, my home is a 3br/3ba ranch style house, w/
finish basement, fenced in rear area and level lot, also one car garage, with 2 storage sleds.

In exchange for House in Delaware, 19901

Approximate value $ : 300,000

Would like a house in the Dover area, 15 mile radius w/ at least
.50 acreage non- wooded lot, nice landscape, and finish walkout basement, also 2+ car garage and if possible a nice big storage
shed. House should have 3+ bd rm and 2+ bd rm

ID: 1506, Submitted: 09/28/2008 18:05:10, Updated: 09/28/2008 18:05:10, Visitors: 2554


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