Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Michigan

Address: Longlake & John R area Troy 48085

Approximate value $: 185000

3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1800 sq ft, 20x12 kitchen, 13x20 family room, 15x15 living room, formal dining room, partially finished basement, effecient baseboard heat, lots of updates, new roof '05, 2 car attached garage, large fenced corner lot, in family sub, close to elem, middle, and high Troy schools.

In exchange for House in Michigan, 48220

Approximate value $ : up to $180,000

located in Ferndale, Royal Oak, Berkley, Birmingham, or Southfield

ID: 10538, Submitted: 12/12/2010 14:41:04, Updated: 01/01/2011 14:12:03, Visitors: 2910


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