Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Michigan

Address: Saint Clair Shores 48080

Approximate value $: 130000

Looking for a larger home.....
I have: 3 Bedroom: 1.5 Bath: Brand New 1st fl Bath: Finished Basement w/ wet bar: 10k worth of updates in past 5 years include complete plumbing, roof on house+garage, hardwood floors, all new paint+fixtures, etc..too much to list! Very clean and quiet neighborhood.

In exchange for House in Michigan

Approximate value $ : ~$180,000

Would prefer Macomb Twp, Shelby Twp, or Utica.

ID: 11970, Submitted: 01/23/2011 08:44:33, Updated: 01/23/2011 08:46:19, Visitors: 5910


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