Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Michigan

Address: 21850 Azalea Circle Grosse Ile 48138

Approximate value $: 374,900

2460 sq.ft, 1995 4 bedroom plus office, updaterd and super clean executive home in quiet and serene neighborhood.

In exchange for House in Florida, Michigan

Approximate value $ : 375,000

Looking for one of following options: 3+ bedroom home in Florida within one hour of airport in Orlando, Tampa or Ft. Lauderdale valued at $400,000 or less, a 3+ bedroom home near downtown Plymouth MI at $375,000 or less, a horse farm property in or around Ann Arbor MI at $400,000 or less, or a small home or condo anywhere in metro Detroit or Orlando FL at $150,000 or less.

ID: 1652, Submitted: 10/16/2008 07:40:13, Updated: 10/16/2008 07:42:39, Visitors: 6868


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