Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Michigan

Address: burton 48509,48529,48532

Approximate value $: <200k

selling these contracts for %. also have a 2009 site built 3bed. just outside of flint. will splint up, or combine, or add to the pot for Nice Home. or even a big project house with some land. not scared of work. txt. only 810-814-8449 or e-mail. txt faster

In exchange for Property in Michigan

Approximate value $ : <200k

anything of value is considered. prefer an upgrade for all <75 miles from here. (or cash,Chevy truck. woods)

ID: 23254, Submitted: 05/09/2013 14:54:56, Updated: 05/10/2013 16:04:41, Visitors: 10218


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