Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Michigan

Address: Burton 48509

Approximate value $: 100,000

House has two bedrooms (with an optional third in the secluded family room). House features family room, living room, kitchen, family room fireplace, backyard patio, two bedrooms, bathroom, attached garage, separate laundry room. Brand new carpet in bedrooms and family room. Brand new hardwood flooring in living room and hallway. Brand new floor and wall tiling in bathroom. Bathroom walls have also been newly painted. Bedrooms, Family Room, Living Room and Hallways newly painted. New well, water softener, furnace system and windows all less than four years old. The kitchen is in the process of being renovated with new cabinets, flooring and counter tops. This will be done prior to swap. Living room (front room) features new, large, picturesque window. Attic space available. Wheelchair ramp on front of home is easily removed though can stay if necessary. Comes with large yard (3 city lots) that is 3/4 the way fenced. Suburban home located on quiet street in low crime rate area. Pictures available upon request.

In exchange for House in Michigan, Detroit Metro Area

We need to move to a bigger home because we have a person in a wheelchair in our family. Our house is nice, but not wheelchair accessible. We truly need a house with an open floor plan because right now he can only get in two rooms (and only one in his wheelchair). There are four of us. I take care of my autistic teen grandson and live with him, my daughter and her fiance (who is in a wheelchair due to Muscular Dystrophy). We need a house with three bedrooms though four is preferred. We also need a house with two bathrooms since we'll be making one of them wheelchair accessible. A home with the master bedroom on the first floor is what we need. Thank you in advance for considering this swap. By swapping you will be making our lives so much easier!

ID: 2643, Submitted: 04/05/2009 16:29:09, Updated: 04/06/2009 04:09:17, Visitors: 6908


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