Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Michigan

Address: Adrian 49221

Approximate value $: 160000

Best deal in the neighborhood.
3 Bedroom, 2 full bathrooms, basement almost as big as the house, 2.5 car garage, refrigerator, dishwasher, rage, beautiful ½ an acre lot with woods, township taxes, Adrian or Tecumseh schools. 3 year old house, better then a new one at least you don’t have to do the landscape or all the hassle of a brand new house plus is an excellent and well establish neighborhood to live in. Make an offer I am willing to negotiate.
Send me an email or call me at (915) 613-5111

In exchange for House in Texas, 79912

Approximate value $ : 160000

I am willing to look at all options.

ID: 53, Submitted: 03/28/2008 12:25:12, Updated: 03/28/2008 12:25:12, Visitors: 2795


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