Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Michigan

Address: Torybrooke Circle West Bloomfield 48323

Approximate value $: 400K

3 bdr 2.5 bath 3500 sq ft house in West Bloomfield. Purchased for 433K + 80K in home improvements. Would like to exchange for a house in Northville to be closer to kids. We also have 2400 sq ft condo (approx. value 225K, purchased for 275K) in West Bloomfield that could be added in this transaction. Condo is fully rented for $1800/month. If you are interested, please, email Thank you.

In exchange for House in Michigan, 48167

Approximate value $ : Comparable value or less

3 bdr 2.5 bath in Northville MI

ID: 8056, Submitted: 09/10/2010 09:52:33, Updated: 09/10/2010 20:33:01, Visitors: 2687


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