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House in Minnesota

Address: E 26th St & 12th Ave Minneapolis 55404

Approximate value $: 240,000

4+ Bedroom Rental Income Property. Bedrooms are VERY large for the date of the house. Used to be used as a boarding home back in the day. Must see the size of bedrooms to truly do justice.
Within 2-3 blocks of Abbott-Northwestern Hospital. Less than 10 blocks from downtown minneapolis. Great neighborhood. Tenants have been there for years and are terrific.

In exchange for House in Minnesota, 55811

Approximate value $ : 215000

In need of work - ok. More interested in the neighborhood rather than the condition of the property. Any view would be prefered. Not required however. Let's see what we can work out.

ID: 1180, Submitted: 08/23/2008 11:54:33, Updated: 08/23/2008 11:54:33, Visitors: 6388


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