Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Minnesota

Address: Stearns Ave East Eden Valley 55329

Approximate value $: 117,000

3+ bedroom home on a corner lot in town. Large office that could be used as a room and a non conforming room in a large basement. Most appliance including the furnace are relativly new. If you love wood work and being close to everything this is the house for you.

In exchange for House in Minnesota, 55302

Approximate value $ : 200,000

Needs to have acreage would like at least two or something that provides privacy. Needs to have at least 3 bedrooms and a two stall garage. Would prefer to also have a work shop. Would like to be located some where around Annandale or Monticello areas. Please email me if you have something you think would work.

ID: 1193, Submitted: 08/24/2008 19:10:28, Updated: 08/24/2008 19:10:28, Visitors: 7011


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