Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Minnesota

Address: Appleton 56208

Approximate value $: 95,000.00

"This 'Ole House"...Built in 1905, perfect for B & B. Two houses on the property suitable for either guest houses or offices plus apartments. Rural community...Appleton, MN
Pomme de Terre River runs through, hunting, fishing, laid back lifestyle.
For sale or trade...what have you in CO, CA, MN (Lakeshore) OR, AZ???
Stan and Kay Schirm (Owner/Agent)
480 423 0310

In exchange for Property in Arizona, California, Colorado, Minnesota, Oregon

Approximate value $ : 125,000

Lake shore or condo

ID: 130, Submitted: 04/05/2008 08:11:37, Updated: 04/05/2008 08:11:37, Visitors: 6253


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