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House in Minnesota

Address: 3017 Chowen Ave N Robbinsdale 55422

Approximate value $: 187,500

More pictures and information on Zillow.

In exchange for House in Minnesota

Approximate value $ : $70,000 to $100,000

I'm looking for a smaller single family house (<800 Sq. ft.) or a duplex (2000 sq ft) in four areas of the St. Paul area: 1) North of University between Lexington and Prior. 2) North and East of Maryland and White Bear Ave to 694. 3) Along the 35E/West 7th/Shepard Rd corridor east of 35E. 4) South of Ford between Cleveland Ave. and St. Paul Ave.

ID: 24442, Submitted: 09/15/2014 23:43:00, Updated: 09/15/2014 23:46:52, Visitors: 13118


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