Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Minnesota

Address: International Falls MN 56649

Approximate value $: 42000

2 bdr 1100 ft home nestled in one of the best areas of International Falls; 1 mile from Rainy River, 5 Miles from Rainy Lake and the National Forest/Canoe country. New roof, well kept, newly carpeted and painted. Grandpa's Nest.

In exchange for House in Texas

Approximate value $ : 40000

2 bedroom, 1200 feet or so, double garage, shop, near Good bass fishing. (like Lake Fork, etc)

ID: 24459, Submitted: 09/21/2014 17:10:23, Updated: 09/21/2014 17:10:23, Visitors: 10720


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