Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Minnesota

Address: 26183 front st. cushing 56475

Approximate value $: 80,000.00 plus

it is a two part house. it has 2 rentals front half .i get $550.00 a month . the second half i get 650.00 a pays for it self. easy

In exchange for Land in Any state

must be 40 plus+ acres and no no swamp land! i am looking for a place to build a house and live .i want to hunt it and trap it and possible fish. land with a creek or river running on property would be in mn.or wis. would be great

ID: 26394, Submitted: 10/20/2018 18:41:33, Updated: 10/20/2018 19:03:59, Visitors: 4845


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