Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Mississippi

Address: Tally Ho Drive Olive Branch 38654

Approximate value $: 150,000

3 bdrm 2 bath, bonus room, 2 car garage, fenced back yard, all brick, $5,000 storm shelter recently added. Home is paid for - no mortgage.

In exchange for House in Florida, Michigan, Tennessee

Approximate value $ : 150,000

Looking for similar property to mine to swap evenly or will considering downsizing if swapee wants to pay difference in value of the two homes. Would prefer Middle TN area, but would consider certain parts of FL near the ocean, or certain parts of MI NE of Detroit, i.e, Clarkston area.

ID: 20396, Submitted: 02/02/2012 15:03:16, Updated: 02/02/2012 15:06:49, Visitors: 9142


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