Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Missouri

Address: 4134 s. Milford Hillsboro 63050

Approximate value $: 260,000

4 car attached, 4 yr. old on corner lot. 3 bedplus,1 1/2 story, 2000 sq. plus fin. LL., Cherry cab., marble, quarry tile, whirlpool,
soaring grt. room. loft overlook.

In exchange for House in Missouri

Approximate value $ : 135,000

Must be a ranch with 2 or 3 bedroom, 2 bath, attached 2 car garage. Small town ok

ID: 11473, Submitted: 01/08/2011 13:18:43, Updated: 01/08/2011 13:18:43, Visitors: 2449


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