Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Missouri

Address: 16535 FR2260 Eagle Rock 65641

Approximate value $: 150000.

This is a prime location in the Mark Twain National Forest, for hunting and fishing. The property has a spring and small pond with a yr. round creek that runs into the Roaring River. Table Rock Lake is 5 mi. Its located 1 mi. off hwy. 86 on a paved road. The 900 sq. ft. Home has been remodeled inside and out. Has 2 out buildings and a large carport. This place won't last long.

In exchange for House in North Carolina, Tennessee

Approximate value $ : 200000.

House and some acreage in S.E. US

ID: 15108, Submitted: 07/08/2011 21:37:52, Updated: 07/08/2011 22:09:15, Visitors: 3132


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