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House in Missouri

Address: 63366

Approximate value $: 190000

3 br/2.5 b ranch style home on wooded lot 3 miles outside of town. Public water and sewer and electric co-op. Very reasonable utility bills with 3 year old energy efficient heat pump. 1.5 acre wooded lot. Large multi layer deck, 3 car garage, and circle driveway. Inside there are lots of upgrades. Coffered ceilings, 7 ceiling fans, ceramic tile, pergo floors, attic fan, fireplace with whole house heating. Small rural subdivision with approximately 10 to 12 houses. House sits on dead end street.

In exchange for House in Missouri, 64804

Approximate value $ : 200000

Looking for a house near Joplin. At least 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Anything similar to what we are showing would be considered.

ID: 22318, Submitted: 07/28/2012 18:11:02, Updated: 07/28/2012 18:11:02, Visitors: 4533


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