Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Montana

Address: Missoula 59808

Approximate value $: 1,000.000.00

5330 Square foot home, 4+ bedrooms, 3 full bath, 2 1/2 baths, Swimming pool, hot tub, security system, shop, barn, 25+ g.p.m. well, Custom Kitchen, paved drive, End of road , School bus stops at property, 26.98 acres, everything in excellent condition. 5 Minutes from airport. A must see!! Too many extras to list.. Will consider selling or a condo in trade.

In exchange for House in Arizona, Hawaii, New Mexico, 59808

Approximate value $ : 1,000.000.00

ID: 16572, Submitted: 09/06/2011 19:31:48, Updated: 09/06/2011 19:31:48, Visitors: 7546


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