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House in Montana

Address: 446 diamond loop dr hobson,mt 59452

Approximate value $: 400k

log home,approx 2000sq ft. daylight basement,main floor, large loft, 3bdrm,2ba, 2 person new sauna, $100k on new remodel 2010, large deck, and deck on both sides, large 2 car heated garage, plus large work shop, 20 miles from hobson, 100 miles from helena and great falls, walking distance to judith river and trout fishing, near lewis and clark elk reserve, great hunting and fishing, deer,elk moose,mountain lions. metal roof, log post deck and over hang and railing natural blonde finish on entire home, completely furnished. sell or trade for home in central florida, nile 352 223 7305 email racin1134@yahoo partial trade and $ ok. home is in judith basin county, central montana

In exchange for House in Florida, 32778

Approximate value $ : $400k

partial trade and cash or sell

ID: 22640, Submitted: 10/18/2012 21:51:22, Updated: 10/19/2012 23:00:17, Visitors: 12159


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