Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Nevada

Address: 5080 N. Jalapa Place Pahrump 89060

Approximate value $: $180,000.00

2000 Fleetwood Manufactured home with three bedroom, two full baths on 1-1/4 acres. Fully fenced with 60 trees (6fruit trees, many pines and Cottonwoods. Two dog runs, front deck (fenced) rear Patio (covered)Two storage sheds.New elementry school being built less than one mile from home. Pictures upon request. About 60 miles north of Las Vegas,NV. Nieghbors are few and not close together. Would like to trade for 3 bedroom 2 bath fenced yard in Southern California.or Reno area

In exchange for House in California

Approximate value $ : Same or less than ours

Three bedroom, two baths. Single story with garage and fenced (at least back yard)with nice friendly nieghbors. Please send pictures.

ID: 12973, Submitted: 03/07/2011 00:02:41, Updated: 08/30/2011 21:08:30, Visitors: 17564


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