Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Nevada

Address: Little Dipper Street Summerlin, Las Vegas 89128

Approximate value $: 400000

3 BR, 2BA, 2 car garage, 1232 sq ft, large corner lot 7900 sq ft., Summerlin location, NO association fees, professional desert landscaping front & back, central air/heat, new stainless steel appliances, Central security alarm system, master suite w/ built in vanity, Can also rent for $1100-1400 month. We want to retire in So. Cal near family. (562) 434-0881
**40+ photos, professional home inspection report also. We invested $400,000, looking for something $400-450k

In exchange for House in California

Approximate value $ : 400,000 - $450,000

House, Duplex, tri-plex, condo** Lets just talk

ID: 13606, Submitted: 04/12/2011 14:33:57, Updated: 04/12/2011 14:56:42, Visitors: 7873


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