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House in Nevada

Address: Pahrump 89061

Approximate value $: 80,000

3 bedroom 2 bath 1/4 acre lot Manufactured home in Cottonwoods area of Pahrump NV. Back yard fenced. City sewer no septic. Nicely landscaped front and back. Covered Patio. Will trade for similar home but want 1 1/4 acre of land.

In exchange for House in Nevada, 89061

Approximate value $ : 80,000

Want same value Manufactured or Stick built home but on 1 1/4 acre lot in Pahrump. Fixer upper okay.

ID: 14248, Submitted: 05/22/2011 08:12:18, Updated: 05/22/2011 08:26:11, Visitors: 12396


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