Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Nevada

Address: Ponza Ct Las Vegas 89141

Approximate value $: 240,000

Single Story Home in Beautiful Southern Highlands,Gated, 3Bedrooms,2Bath,2 car garage ,Swimming Pool,wood floors. "This is NOT a bank owned home" Come by and take a look. Contact Me:

In exchange for House in Nevada, 89141,89139,89118,89113,89148,89135,89143,89131,89130,89149,89138

Approximate value $ : 200,000

looking for more yard, No HOA ,No homes older then 1995

ID: 23534, Submitted: 08/19/2013 12:51:45, Updated: 08/19/2013 13:26:04, Visitors: 9675


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