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House in Nevada

Address: henderson 89015

Approximate value $: 675,000

one acre horse property adjacent TO blm for riding. best neighborhood in the entire las vegas valley and surrounding areas. Horse property is getting scarce here. Easy freeway access yet rural at the same time. $400,000 equity $255,000 mortgage. will trade all or part of equity for the right remote ranch property. This is a 4200 sf. Tudor three story .Pictures on request. This is a great home to raise your kids !

In exchange for Ranch in Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah

Approximate value $ : 400,000 or less

need acreage, prefer creek or spring, prefer well, prefer remote, or semi remote, NO CELL TOWERS ,solar preferred. looking for central or southern nv., or southern Utah,or the Az. Mtns. or open to close random open areas.........not too terribly cold.

ID: 24079, Submitted: 03/31/2014 02:50:11, Updated: 03/31/2014 02:53:34, Visitors: 18455


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