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House in Nevada

Address: 10130 manassas dr Reno 89508

Approximate value $: 600,000

1,450 sqft. Ranch Style Home on 1 Acre of land located in RedRock/Reno Nevada 3 bedroom with master bedroom and bathroom with jetted tub and two additional bedrooms and one full bath located in hallway I’m wanting to trade for a home of equal size and value in Downtown Reno 30 year roof installed in 2009 new carpeting and flooring, freshly painted and well maintained. RV parking, boat parking. LOOKING TO TRADE FOR A HOME OF EQUAL SIZE IN DOWNTOWN RENO OR MIDTOWN OR DEMONTE RANCH I just want to get out of the mountains and into the city

In exchange for House in Nevada, 89508

Approximate value $ : 600,000

Downtown/mid-town, in the city, at least a small backyard, HOA is okay, nice interior newer designs or Norse rn interior look

ID: 27577, Submitted: 05/06/2022 06:25:03, Updated: 05/06/2022 06:27:44, Visitors: 6891


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