Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Nevada

Address: Creeping Zinnia Court Las Vegas 89138

Approximate value $: 220000

House in Summerlin, 3 bed, 3 bath, 2 story, corner lot, amazing views, built 2005. Looking for trade for property in Petaluma/Santa Rosa area, house or land is good too. Also interested in South Oregon. Trade for major fixer is fine.

In exchange for House in California, Oregon

Approximate value $ : 200-300k

Looking for older or historic home, rural or small town area, fixer is great, prefer at least .25 acre. Able to contribute additional monies.

ID: 5222, Submitted: 02/03/2010 21:41:21, Updated: 02/03/2010 21:41:21, Visitors: 7284


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