Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Nevada

Address: Meadowlands Dr Sparks 89431

Approximate value $: 250,000

Large 2story 4/2.5/2 2100 square foot house in Reno/Sparks area of Nevada. New carpet, paint, garage door, etc. Super clean. Great location, walking distance to schools, in mature, quiet neighborhood.

In exchange for Condominium in California, 94596

Approximate value $ : 300,000

I am looking for a condo/townhouse/house in the east bay area, preferably in Pleasant Hill, Walnut Creek, Martinez or Concord area.

ID: 775, Submitted: 06/29/2008 20:53:56, Updated: 06/29/2008 20:53:56, Visitors: 6301


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