Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New Hampshire

Address: 03598

Approximate value $: 85,000

riverfront 119+- feet with mountain views
3 bedroom attached garage with storage, across from wildlife sanctuary 5,000+- acres with trails, hike, ski, fish, snowmobile from your own yard, amusements like santa's village and six gun city, ski resorts, mount washington motel all about 20+- miles more or less, house needs siding or paint and some tlc. livable as is, has forced hot air oil heat, dug well, septic, looking for coastal florida house, camp, etc, no condo's, timeshares, mobile home parks, must be onit's own land in a safe area

In exchange for House in Florida

Approximate value $ : 85,000

must be even trade my house is completely paid off so if you have a mortgage you will haveto transfer itto this house before trading

ID: 1614, Submitted: 10/10/2008 19:40:29, Updated: 10/10/2008 19:40:29, Visitors: 2956


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