Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New Jersey

Address: 420 grant ave Marmora 08223

Approximate value $: 249,500

4 Bdrs 2 Baths, aproximately 1875 square feet, 2 floors, walkin closets, private driveway, 7 mins from the beach. Hardwood Floors, Nicely maintained, for further details and pics, visit _NJ_08223_M64394-42767

In exchange for House in Pennsylvania

Approximate value $ : $249,500 or less

Front and backyard, located anywhere within a 35 mins distance of Malvern, PA, safe neighborhood, garage would be ideal but not a must.

ID: 14797, Submitted: 06/20/2011 14:32:10, Updated: 06/20/2011 14:32:10, Visitors: 5419


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