Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New Jersey

Address: Academy Street Farmingdale 07727

Approximate value $: 300000

4 bedroom 2 bath cape in historic Farmingdale with excellent K-8 school. Fully fenced yard with shed, front and backyard decks, wood burning stove, large country kitchen, master bedroom with en suite bath and two huge walk in closets. ample easy access attic storage, one car attached garage

In exchange for Town House in New Jersey, 07731

Approximate value $ : 150000-200000

2 bedrooms minimum, prefer garage, pets allowed, public sewer, public water, natural gas heat and appliances.

ID: 24876, Submitted: 06/05/2015 19:06:58, Updated: 06/05/2015 19:06:58, Visitors: 5797


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