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House in New Jersey

Address: 351 31st Street South, Brigantine, NJ Brigantine 08203

Approximate value $: $950,000.00

Brigantine House For Sale with Ocean Views Will Swap/1031 Exchange
In Prestigious “A”- Zone Reduced to: $950,000.00.
Address: 351 31th. Street South, Brigantine, NJ
Brigantine – Cape Cod House / Lot For Sale….which will have Ocean Views….from second and third floors -- with any new home construction. The lot conforms to all Zoning requirements. Older house, but still very useable until new owner builds. Or, house could be rehabilitated. Present house has four bedrooms, 2 baths. Less than one block walking distance to Ocean. Separate One Bedroom Suite Upstairs, separate entrance.

Lot Size: 80’ x 90’ Updated Survey/Plot Plan Available
Lot Area: 7200 Sq. Ft. Prestigious “A” Zone (Residential)

Zoning District Requirements: (Lot meets all requirements)
Lot Area: 4500 Sq. Ft.
Min Lot Frontage: 60’ Linear
Min Lot Depth 90’ Linear
Setbacks: Front Yard 20’ / Side Yards 10’/ 5’ / Rear Yard 20’
Coverage: Max. Building 40%, Max. Site 60%, Max. Height 35’

Survey/Building Plot Plan available upon request.
Note: There are very few 80’ x 90’ lots left. Most lots are much smaller and are either 60Ft. or 40Ft. This is right across from the Ocean Block, which has three (3) houses on it. At this present time there isn’t a house on Ocean Blvd. for less than $1,450,000.00.….and that’s a vacant lot. At full price, $25,000.00 towards settlement costs.

Directions: Brigantine Blvd to 31th. Street South, make a right, go one block, …one house in from Ocean Blvd…left hand side. Phone Number: (609) 458-3711 or (856) 985-7780.

Interested Parties Contact: James L. Moffa at: (609) 458-3711 or (856) 985-7780

In exchange for House in New Jersey, Pennsylvania

Approximate value $ : $950,000.00

Four houses in from the Ocean, will have Ocean views with any new construction.
This is a Cape Cod, built in 1946, could be rehabilitated for those who want to just have a summer rental for a couple of years. In my opinion, it's a tear's location location location.

ID: 345, Submitted: 05/07/2008 20:51:35, Updated: 05/07/2008 20:51:35, Visitors: 7318


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