Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New Jersey

Address: 6 Mulberry Lane Mt Arlington 07856

Approximate value $: 440,000

2400sq ft-3 bdr; 2.5 baths, LR, DR, Den, Fireplace; Loft/Office-model home quality villa in seasons glen community/ 2 car garage; hardwd flrs/tile; all appliances, immaculate, near I-80 and NJ Transit.

In exchange for House in South Carolina, 29789

Approximate value $ : 300,000

golf course community upstate near lake keowee

ID: 8426, Submitted: 09/27/2010 15:43:41, Updated: 09/30/2010 21:46:02, Visitors: 2635


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