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House in New Mexico

Address: Acequia Madre Santa Fe 87505

Approximate value $: 315K, 569K, 799K

3 Historic adobe fixer uppers located on the "Board Walk" of Santa Fe's Historic Eastside. 2 are amazing historic houses, the 3rd NOT historic and affords opportunity to demolish and built a new home in an area where vacant lots do not exist. Contiguous, but separate legal lots and detached. Can be purchased/traded in any combination. A rare offering in the most prime area of Santa Fe with truly great up-side potential after remodeling. Owner/broker NMLRB

In exchange for House in Arizona, California

Approximate value $ : similar value(s)

ID: 1143, Submitted: 08/20/2008 15:16:22, Updated: 08/21/2008 16:50:49, Visitors: 7693


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