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House in New Mexico

Address: 120 La Ladera Rd Los Lunas 87031

Approximate value $: 275,000

4/5 bedroom 3 bath custom brick home on 1.21 acre with 2 custom fireplaces, central vacuum, newer roof, windows, AC. washer/dryer & fridge stay. finished basement with cedar closet, all room huge! enclosed sun room, den/playroom, quiet area. Dog pen, 2 horse pens/arena, tack shed, hay barn, garage/storage.

In exchange for House in Oregon, 97338

Approximate value $ : 300,000

Looking for home in Dallas or Silverton. Need minimum 3 bed 2 bath must allow horses, preferably over 3 acre but will entertain smaller. NO mobile/manufactured homes! Need to be at least 1900sq ft unless much less in price and ok to add on. My home is 3400 sq ft on 1.21 acre

ID: 1911, Submitted: 11/18/2008 14:19:16, Updated: 11/18/2008 14:19:16, Visitors: 2414


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