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House in New Mexico

Address: Albuquerque 87112

Approximate value $: 200,000

4 bed, 2 bath, double garage, large back yard, great views of city, 6000ft elevation, mountains close by, large covered patio, mature front yard w/ponderous trees, quiet neighborhood, close to all schools and University, great view of mountains, beautiful skies here in Albuquerque, healthy climate, sun shines year round, clean air, no smog, house is paid for and no liens.

In exchange for House in Idaho

Approximate value $ : 200,000

Minimum 2 beds, 2 baths, well maintained, prefer small town, small ranch, near water lake river. Good area and good neighborhood.

ID: 23599, Submitted: 09/12/2013 23:28:51, Updated: 09/12/2013 23:36:31, Visitors: 7821


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