House in New MexicoAddress: Edgewood 87015 Approximate value $: 290,000 Self sufficient home, well, Sunpower solar power, 25 yr warranty, backup provisions, generator, greenhouse, ten acres, 25 miles Albuquerque. Mountain views. MLS. 2300 Sq ft. Wood stove, spin electric meter backwards approx 9 kW. Equestrian use. Large barn, cross fencing, round pen.In exchange for House in New Mexico, Texas, 87109, 87015, 78108, 87111,87059Approximate value $ : 175000 Near Schertz Tx or Albuquerque NM Would like to downsize to 175000 or less. ID: 25977, Submitted: 08/24/2017 03:44:26, Updated: 08/25/2017 00:38:06, Visitors: 11486