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House in New Mexico

Address: Sumner Ave Las Cruces 88001

Approximate value $: 180,000.00

Las Cruces NM - great convenient location and neighborhood,
3Bd/2B/2car gar/2 courtyards/covered patio/ sprinkler system/xeriscape front yard/ mature trees/ well maintained

In exchange for House in New Mexico

Approximate value $ : 200,000.00

Want Home in Albuquerque area with Fireplace, good neighborhood, 2 car gar, 3b/2b, mountain views, around the Albuquerque far northeast area and Rio Rancho area

Will consider exchange for a home with no more than an existing 50k mtg. balance or free and clear.

ID: 9654, Submitted: 11/11/2010 12:40:04, Updated: 11/11/2010 12:55:03, Visitors: 15531


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