Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New York

Address: Middle Way Grafton 12082

Approximate value $: 225000

lakefront cottage and over one acre of privacy - 2 BR year round home with loads of updates including new kitchen - private - community association - gorgeous and serene - perfect for getting away from the hustle and bustle - and yet convenient to all services. convenient commute to Capital District or Bennington, VT, or ski areas in western Mass. Dock and swim raft included.

In exchange for House in Arizona, Florida, South Carolina

Approximate value $ : 220000

great weather convenient
at least 3 BR 2 BA ranch home

ID: 4426, Submitted: 11/13/2009 20:53:06, Updated: 11/13/2009 20:53:06, Visitors: 2713


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