Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New York

Address: Montauk Ave Fishers Island, NY 06390

Approximate value $: 275,000

Cottage on Fishers Island, New York. Fishers Island is a an Island 9 miles long and 3 miles wide off the coast of New London, Connecticut. The island is known for its beaches and Island atmosphere. The cottage is approximately 700 square feet and the lot is 40’ by 40’. The cottage has a living room, bedroom , kitchen, and bathroom downstairs and a loft upstairs that will sleep 4. It has an oil fired floor furnace for heat and community water service. There is excellent fishing on the island and in the fall there is usually a good run of Striped Bass and Bluefish off the beaches. Would like a permanent trade for a cottage of equal value on a lake in the Northeast United States (Vermont, New Hampshire or Upstate New York ). The Island is accessed by a ferry that leaves across from the New London train station. Contact 860-345-8268 for more info.

In exchange for House in Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont

Approximate value $ : $275,000

Acreage and on or near water.

ID: 5076, Submitted: 01/25/2010 14:51:20, Updated: 01/25/2010 14:51:20, Visitors: 5895


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