Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New York

Address: 3 kukas rd. Monticello, NY. Monticello 12701

Approximate value $: 239000

4br. 1.5 bths, 2 car garage, raised ranch on dead end street, in excellent neighborhood. I will owner finance it, or if you're trading up, I'll finance the difference.Call 845-928-8232, or Email me at:

In exchange for Condominium in Connecticut

Approximate value $ : 239000 or less

I'd like to trade it for a 2br. something in the NYC commuting areas, NY,NJ,CT, or a house in south/east Florida.(NO FLORIDA CONDOS PLEASE) Call 845-928-8232 or

ID: 644, Submitted: 06/17/2008 13:32:03, Updated: 06/17/2008 13:38:43, Visitors: 9349


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