Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in New York

Address: Macory Way Moreau, Ny 12831 12831

Approximate value $: 439,000.00

Historic Saratoga Races, Lake George, and the Adirondack Mountains just minutes away. Upstate NY, 3 yr old home that feels brand new. Spacious, colonial, granite counters in kitchen,stainless steel appliances, hard wood floors, fireplace 3100 sqft. 4bed, 2 1/2 baths, 2 car garage! 1 acre in new neighborhood. Great schools, wonderful neighbors!

In exchange for House in Maryland, Carroll County, Baltimore County, Harford County

Approximate value $ : 500,000.

Colonial style, 2 plus garage, 1 or more acres, 3,000sqft

ID: 6567, Submitted: 06/04/2010 15:41:49, Updated: 06/04/2010 15:52:45, Visitors: 4176


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